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Sourced Life Mentoring Tracks

Sourced Life Mentoring

Reorient Mentoring exists to help people awaken to the Sacredness of Life.

Reorient Life and Leadership Mentoring

Sourced Life Mentoring

Every leader needs a mentor...every role needs a coach...and everybody needs a friend. Leaders often find themselves in a space filled with frenetic activity and yet still experience a very real sense of isolation. It doesn't have to be that way!

Reorient's Sourced Life Mentoring Model is designed to provide safe space and guidance informed by years of healthy and unhealthy 

Christian living and leadership. We will provide a guided path towards a fuller and integrated life rooted in the of wholeness in Divine Love. 

We will engage the Enneagram as an ancient tool for understanding motivation, behavior, and experience.

Two friends talking sitting in a couch i

"Reorient has helped me understand how I am wired and guided me toward a healthier version of myself. "




Faith Deconstruction & Reconstruction

"I was invited into a framework for God that was not interested in cheap certainty, but a God as boundless as the cosmos, in which we live and move and have our very being."



Reorient Life and Leadership Mentoring

Deconstruction and


a safe space for an evolving faith

Seasons of faith deconstruction and 

reconstruction can be wonderful times of new insight, wisdom and excitement that are also scary, confusing and disorienting. We find ourselves in a new space where we can feel alone and isolated from the very communities and friendships we value most. Reorient Life and Leadership Mentoring was created to be a supportive companion during this important season of life. 

Image by Sara Dubler

Reorient Life and Leadership Mentoring

Sourced Life Relationship Mentoring

Marriage is a sacred gift that deserves to be cultivated. Our relationships will bring out the best and the worst of us. 

The desire and approach of Reorient's Sourced

Life Relationship Mentoring is to help couples see each other while bringing compassionate understanding and communication to the relationship.

We will engage the Enneagram as an ancient tool for understanding motivation, behavior, and experience.

Image by Sara Dubler

"Dean taught us to see and love each other better. He challenged us to deep introspection, and exposed some deeper layers that we would not have been visible without his guidance. Our marriage is better because of Dean's mentorship."

-Jake and Kristen 

Reorient exists to help people awaken to the Sacredness of Life.

© 2020 Reorient Mentoring  Inc. 501c3 

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